Sunday, May 1, 2016

House Bill 2

House Bill 2, passed in late March by the North Carolinian governor, Pat McRoy, has been causing waves of controversy throughout the country in the past month or so. According to McRoy the bill was designed to provide safety and privacy for women in North Carolina bathrooms and locker rooms. The bill restricts transgender individuals from using a bathroom or locker rooms that correspond with the gender they identify with. Meaning they have to use the bathroom according to the gender on their birth certificate. People are arguing that this bill is an infringement of the First Amendment seeing as it discriminates against a group of people.  McRoy tweeted the night it passed “ordinance defied common sense, allowing men to use women’s bathroom/locker room for instance. That’s why I signed bipartisan bill to stop it”. On the contrary the Mayor of Charlotte was very open in her response saying, “This legislation is literally the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country”. There have been several artists who have been scheduled to perform in North Carolina but cancelled their shows in protest of House Bill 2. According to there have been no recent comments from Pat McRoy regarding the bill or if they are going to change it.

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