Sunday, February 28, 2016

Is Apples Code Speech

Thursday Apple filed a motion  to go against the Federal Bureau of Investigation's order to help them  unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. In the document, Apple stated many reasons why it  shouldn't help the government.
One of these is that doing so would violate its First Amendment rights. Wayne Giampietro, a lawyer and longtime member of the First Amendment Lawyer's Association said that "Apple is absolutely on solid ground with its argument.There are a lot of cases saying that the government cannot compel private people to say things."  Apple filing contains a statement from its manager of user privacy who compares coding to many other things.

 Eric says ""There are a number of ways to write code to accomplish a given task, some more efficient and more elegant than other.Moreover, writing software is an iterative, revision intensive, and mentally challenging task, just like writing essays, whitepapers, memos and even poems.The main issue here is   there are serious privacy and safety implications. The ruling on this case is very important because it sets a precedent for many to come if Apple has to create code for the Government.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Freedom of Speech

Free speech is not free anymore

It Is also not for people who are easily offended. Free speech  can sometimes create a messy situation. Unfortunately our appreciation of freedom of speech has declined over the years. Many People have become fearfully polite. They are more worried about offending someone than speaking about what is truly on there mind. People do not want to be labeled by a person for speaking there mind so in fact they do not say what they are really thinking. People who really appreciate freedom of speech " relish open debates and controversy and, in turn, produce a robust citizenry who will stand against authoritarian government." Controlling people speech controls there view on government.

 In America we have a government with a want for power.The government is taking away free speech making free speech zone. The idea of absolute freedom of speech is dead. There are many examples of Freedom of speech being taken away. Offensive, politically incorrect and "unsafe" speech,Bullying, intimidating speech,Hateful speech, and Dangerous, anti-government speech. As a result of this many of us stay silent.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Girls Spell Ni**er

Senior picture day at Desert Vista High School in Arizona meant that students planned to wear shirts that would spell out “BEST *YOU’VE* EVER *SEEN* CLASS *OF* 2016 for there class picture. Six girls of the class of 700  decided they would use the letters on their shirts to form a different word. The six girls spelled out Ni**er and posted it on there social media accounts.

After the picture went viral on social media Tempe Union Superintendent Dr. Kenneth R. Baca released the following statement:"The event that took place today at Desert Vista will not be tolerated. It is unacceptable for any racial slur to be used regardless of intent. We need to understand that words matter. I can assure you the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken".

The girls were suspended from school for five days. Many people found that the schools punishment was not severe enough. Although the use of the word Nigger is extremely inappropriate it is not against the law to say. It is protected under the first amendment. Even though it is not illegal the sever part of the punishment for the girls is the community and the entire world  knowing what they did. A five days suspension is nothing to having that  picture out  on the web forever.