Monday, February 8, 2016

Freedom of Speech

Free speech is not free anymore

It Is also not for people who are easily offended. Free speech  can sometimes create a messy situation. Unfortunately our appreciation of freedom of speech has declined over the years. Many People have become fearfully polite. They are more worried about offending someone than speaking about what is truly on there mind. People do not want to be labeled by a person for speaking there mind so in fact they do not say what they are really thinking. People who really appreciate freedom of speech " relish open debates and controversy and, in turn, produce a robust citizenry who will stand against authoritarian government." Controlling people speech controls there view on government.

 In America we have a government with a want for power.The government is taking away free speech making free speech zone. The idea of absolute freedom of speech is dead. There are many examples of Freedom of speech being taken away. Offensive, politically incorrect and "unsafe" speech,Bullying, intimidating speech,Hateful speech, and Dangerous, anti-government speech. As a result of this many of us stay silent.

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