Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Anti-gay ID badages.

A First amendment issue has come up in California as high school students wearing anti-gay ID badges on them. At Shadow High some students are reportedly wearing pins on there  clothes with a rainbow and a red circle with line through it. While this goes against being excepting and understanding times are changing and as a whole we are excepting to many different things one being LGBT the real question is this protected by the first amendment.

In a statement released by the school "After consulting with district level personnel and our legal counsel, it was determined that these students do have the protected right to freedom of speech, just as students portraying rainbows in support of the LGBT would. at any point students are interrupting class time to express their beliefs, they are to be sent to the discipline office with a referral for disruption… We all have a right to freedom of speech, but students also have a right to be educated without fear. This has always been our policy, and we will continue to enforce it." Many people find it offensive that these students would wear these pins and are trying to categorize this as a hate crime.

A hate crime is something that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disabilities. Laura fisher, assistant superintendent said "Sometimes people can be uncomfortable because of an opinion, but that doesn’t mean it’s bullying…We’re ensuring that while their First Amendment rights are protected, it is just as important to protect other students from bullying, harassment and intimidation.” So is this a case of the first amendment or is this a case of a hate crime or bullying. Only time will tell as actions are taken further by social media and parents.

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